Trooper’s Happy Tail

Posted: November 8th, 2009




Hi; Well so far Trooper (aka Pitts Burger) is enjoying his new home. For all he has been through you couldn’t find a more sweeter pooch. We love him! He claimed his spot on the love seat and as you can see in the pics makes himself quite comfy. He also enjoys going over to the park everyday for a casual stroll. He already has made new friends with some of the daily’s who also walk thier pets there. He also enjoys cruising in our ( excuse me I meant to say his) 78 corvette. And in case your wondering,  no he hasn’t hopped up on the back of the Harley, yet. We have opened our whole home to him. He spent his first 8 hours alone in the house the other day as we both worked. Upon our return we were greeted with so much love and affection. He was excellant. He was a bit hesitant when bath time arrived the other evening but after awhile, with tail waggling, took it like a real trooper. Trooper and our kitty are still working on the bonding issue and for the most part are doing well. He’s eating well and getting all the excersise he needs.  As far as love and attention goes, he is getting plenty of it here. Well that all for now. Will write again to keep you updated. Roger and Carol

Jodi, hi.
We just wanted to give you an update and thank you for letting us love Trooper. He is the BEST! He has totally made himself at home and is very content. He loves his daily walks and if the weather is bad a car ride satisfies him. He even carries on conversations with our cat Jazz. When we come back in the house from a walk or wherever, he will sit in front of her and “talk” to her (although he sounds like a donkey!)  about how happy he is.  He was to the vet for a thorough check-up and came through with flying colors. His hips are in great shape, his demodex is under control,  his thyroid is normal, and he is steadily gaining weight. He is definitely a ladies man, as the ladies at the vet’s office couldn’t get enough of him. Could you blame them? He loves everyone, and everyone he meets loves him too!
Thank you again,
Carol and Roger

Hi Jodi,
It’s almost been a year since we brought Trooper home and we can’t thank you enough, we can’t put into words how much we love him. He is now a healthy, happy 100 lb. (yes, he gained about 25 lbs.) lap dog. His weight is perfect but he does have a few managable health problems like coilitis and dry eye which he is on medication for, plus the drool factor is off the charts (gotta love it).  We found that he loves to swim. He loves our cat and his energetic “cousin” Brandi (a 1yr. old mixed breed pup). He is so patient with her when we dog sit. He loves his daily walks and car rides, and everyone he meets just can’t get over how handsome and gentle he is. Thank you again!
Carol and Roger


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