Stormy’s Happy Tail

Posted: May 16th, 2009


Hi Jodi –

Hope all is going well. How are things going with ABR?

Stormy’s been doing pretty good. Thought I’d send you some pics from our snow day last week. He’s now sporting a bit of a gray beard on his muzzle. He had some weird thing happen back in November. In the end it may have been an ear infection but we never got to a definite diagnosis. At first they thought it was an infection in his nervous system and maybe related to that cyst. Then they said maybe he had a vestibular event. After about 2 weeks of decreasing symptoms, he started fussing with his ears so the vet gave us ear drops. No reoccurrence since, but he hasn’t seemed to get back to completely normal. Just a little slower than before.

But otherwise, he’s been doing really well. Even during that episode, the vet kept saying he’s looked the best he’s ever looked. He’s at a good weight, calm, nice shiny coat.

So he continues to add lots of love to our lives. I was just looking at him now as he was getting his millionth belly rub and thinking how special he is, and how fortunate we are to have him.

Here are a couple of recent photos of him.

Hope things are good up there.

Stacey & Jesse

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