Spanky’s Happy Tail

Posted: May 15th, 2010




I recently adopted Spanky who has made a very long journey. He started out in Georgia where his owner was allegedly arrested and so Spanky was surrendered to a shelter. With only 24 hours to live Jackie a rescuer in South Carolina made the drive to Georgia to save ol’ Spanky. It was in SC where he spent 5 months with Jackie and her husband who happens to be a vet. They are the real heroes of the story. I cannot believe they gave up this Happy Go Lucky Guy, but I’m not complaining
He hardly barks. I’ve never heard him growl. He doesn’t jump. Has hardly had an accident in the house. He has learned sit, down, high five, and if you point your fingers out like a gun and say bang…he plays dead. I got the perfect dog in my own eyes. Although he still needs to listen a little better when called he’s doing great.
Rescuing is the only way to acquire a dog in my eyes. Although some may have health and behavior problems not all do and I think many people think that to be the case. I thank Jen, Jodi, Kim, Tina and Jackie for making this possible. One is enough for now but you never know. 


Spanky’s Photo Album