Rocky’s Happy Tail

Posted: December 7th, 2008

 I just thought I’d share some pix of Donovan and Rocky.  Rocky is awesome with him.  When the baby cries, he runs over to him.  But, Rocky knows he’s not allowed in the same room with him unless we are there, so he will sit at the threshold of the doorway, and look toward me, like are you gonna help him. Then when I get him, he’ll go over and lick him.   When I feed the baby at night, Rocky lays at my feet.  Also, talk about being a protector, I was getting ready for his Christening, and a neighbor Rocky has only met 2X’s came over to help me.  I asked her to hold the baby so I could get stuff done.  well Rocky sat right there in front of my neighbor  and would not turn his back to her, as if saying you better not take off with this baby.  Had I not been frazzled with a million things to do, I would have made the dog follow me, but I was just so thankful to have someone hold him for 15 mins.
Take care

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