Rescue Recap- w/e 06/06/10

Posted: June 6th, 2010

Greetings everyone! Lots and lots going on right now. The donations have really slowed down and we could sure use some help. This week’s update is short and sweet but this is definitely the calm before the storm as we have SEVERAL dogs that will be joining ABR over the next few days. Our volunteers have been really busy and aare frantically trying to make transport arrangements, get vets lined up and trying to find a place to put all of the special dogs coming into rescue. Since the volunteers have been really busy this weekend, we may make some updates to this page throughout the week.


Thanks for visiting and we hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Still Waiting…..

Rocco here! Sigh, I’m still waiting here at a boarding Kennel in MD for my forever humans to find me. I can’t figure out what’s taking them so long. I love to go for car rides, know basic commands, and I’m a really sweet and happy guy (but lonely). Check out my photo album. Won’t you Rescue Me?

New Arrivals:

Hi! My name is Clarabelle. I know, I know….. my eyes look just awful but I’m still quite the cutie! ABR is working really hard to get me all fixed up. I’m kind of a mess right now. One of the Rescue Angels said I am a true testament as to just how despicable some human beings are but she told me that everyone’s not all like that and there’s lots of really good humans out there. I’m getting ALL kinds of love, care, and attention now. Things are sure looking up. I even have my own Web Page now where people can check on my progress. Here’s my photo album.

ps- I heard you guys are REALLY good at sending well wishes. I could use some of that stuff.


It’s me, Kingston! This is a picture of me from last Saturday when I went to work with my Rescue Angel, Laura. As you can see, I quickly found the dog bed section in the store. I’m doing much, much better! They updated my web page yesterday. I’m trying really hard to put on some weight so I can go to my foster home. Laura said she was taking me out for some adventures this weekend so I’m sure they’ll post some more pictures of me. Check out my photo album!
I’m reeeeeeaaaadddddyy…. for my furever home that is. Hey guys, Brother Moo here and I’m looking for you! Wow, I’m a poet and didn’t know it. Okay, never mind I’m a silly guy. Remember my mom, Maggie Moo? She’s doing just great. And my sister, Sister Moo, got adopted yesterday. I miss her but she went to a really good family. Now it’s my turn. I’m currently in FL. Here’s my photo album.


Our Sweet Girl Queen Annie. We last wrote about her on 02/28/10. Here’s a note from her dad, Pablo- Yes, pictures are coming of Annie.  Attached please find one I perhaps already sent your way; it’s of Annie outside before her hip issues and bed rest.  Now she is doing better, especially helped by the Annie-Ramp. We’ve still got the cancer yet Annie has beaten many odds to be alive and happy and we appreciate her every moment … especially me ‘cause Annie is a Daddy’s girl.’


We love you Annie and think of you often! Annie’s Photo Album


In Memoriam:



November 1, 1999- May 3, 2010

Happy Tails:

Hey there…. it’s me Henry (and my dad, Jeff, who LOVES me so much)! Well, you may remember me as Ponder or Keebler but now I’m Henry. They say good things come to those that wait. I waited, and waited for the perfect family and they finally found me. I’m having the time of my life at the beach this summer! Check out my Happy Tail Page!

It’s me, Patrick! They wrote that I was adopted last week but my new furever family loves me soooooo much, they couldn’t wait to send in my Happy Tail for everyone to see. I am having a blast and am becoming quite the star- My dad has even posted all kinds of videos of me on YouTube.
Remember me? It’s SoCo (Southern Comfort). I’ve been adopted!

I’ll bet you guys forgot about me, the gunshot wound baby, huh? It’s Oakley! Well I’m doing great. I get to play at the beach and can’t get enough of chasing my tennis ball. Here’s my Happy Tail.