Rescue Recap- w/e 03/14/10

Posted: March 14th, 2010

We want to start this week’s update off with a BIG thank you to everyone that took time out of their busy schedules to join us at the Blue Dog Tavern last Thursday for our fund raising event! You guys raised just a little over $500 for us and boy, do we EVER appreciate it. Thank you so very much.

Happily, this has been a relatively quiet week (whew, we’ve needed a break)…. except for our Lucas. We have a few happy tails to add today too!

Thank you for visiting and we hope everyone has had a great week!



Once again, we’re asking for LOTS of well wishes, thoughts and prayers for one of our babies! This is Lucas who we wrote about last week. He is currently at the vet’s office and his rescue angel wrote this yesterday- He’s our emergency watch now. A bunch of dogs coming out of the Miami shelter have an unknown horrific virus and they’re dying. He’s been on fluids, antibiotics, and antinausea for 2 days. Everyone was surprised Lucas was still alive this morning. From tues to wed he went down dramatically. He is hanging in here. I even got a few little kisses. He is just so awesome this is breaking my heart. Maybe we can put him online so people can send their good thoughts and energy his way. He needs well wishes FAST! View Lucas’ Photo Album

It’s working everyone!!!! Here’s an update as of 03/15/10 from his rescue angel: FINALLY some good news. Lucas looks wonderful this morning. He was bright and alert when I got there and again came out of his cage on his own. I still carried him out to avoid contaminating the whole office. Outside he didn’t want to go in the usual spot that’s a few feet from the door, he wanted to go for a real walk. So I got a leash and we walked. He’s weak but making up for it. He was trotting around the parking lot. He’s starving and ready for food (which they will more than likely do, probably right now). I sat with him and he wanted to play, he was pawing at me and doing the mouthing play (which I was instigating because I was excited =) He was very excited about the other dogs and didn’t want to go back in his cage (the last few days he willingly went right in). I had to haul his big butt in, yay!!!

Our little girl Precious, who has been nicknamed “Our Polka Dot Girl,” wasn’t able to have her spay surgery this past week as she’s got a wicked case of kennel cough. She’s on antibiotics and is doing much better though. Hopefully she can have her surgery on Tuesday of this week, get some rest and recover, and then make her journey from GA to PA. We first wrote about Precious last week. She’s looking for her forever home!!!

View Precious’ Photo Album

ps- Thank you Susan Fowler for donating to her care!!!
pps- Hey Melissa, it’s me Precious. Thank you so much for coming to visit me last Sunday!
ppps- Hey Cheryl & Susan, me again, Thank you for bringing me a blanket and some toys. You REALLY made my day.

Hey, it’s me Skyy from last week, only now my name is Stella! I made my way to  Philadelphia from a high kill shelter in South Carolina about a week ago. I’m not sure exactly what breed I am but everyone says I look like a Boston  Terrier mix. As you can see from my pictures, I am as cute as can  be.  Although I look like a little puppy, I am actually about 6 months  old.  I am crate trained and I am GREAT on a leash.  I love going for  walks but I do get scared when loud trucks go by.  Since walking on a leash is still new to me I am not comfortable enough to do my business when I’m on the leash so I will need a home with a fenced yard.  I go to the dog park with  my buddy Keebler and I am so good off the leash, I come as soon as I am  called.  I also learned how to sit for a treat already. I am working  on house training and doing pretty good but I still get confused  sometimes. I am living with 8 other dogs and three cats and I love playing with all of them!   View my photo album
Remember Shaq? Well he’s been adopted, is now “Wilson” and living happily in his forever home! View Wilson’s Photo Album
Our lil’ Deva was adopted this week. Yeah! We hope to post her happy tail very soon. View lil’ Deva’s Photo Album


New Arrivals:

Hi! My name is SoCo (named after Southern Comfort). I am about 6 mos old and visually / hearing impaired. I’m currently in AL and will be making my way to VA to stay with my foster mom, Missi. I’m sure she will write all about me, for you to read, once I get there. View my photo album.

Meet Peete! Peete is a courtesy post for the Mobile, AL SPCA. He has been looking for his forever home since before last Christmas. Here is more about him- This rascal is a winner!! Don’t be fooled, Peete is a sweet affectionate boy. He knows how to sit, shake, and is eager for his new owner to teach him more. Peete was left tied to a vet clinic door along with his bed. I’m sure he wonders what happened to his family. Peete is looking for a family to welcome him and his bed. Peete enjoys sporting a jacket in cooler weather while outside. He does not tug on it or try to take it of at all. He is very thankful for its warmth. Peete is very gentle and loves a good game of fetch followed by hugs and lots of petting.

Please consider giving Peete a 2nd chance. Here is the link to his Petfinder page. If you are interested in becoming his forever human, please call Stephanie at 251-422-5215.



In Memoriam:


For our sweet little girl who crossed the Rainbow Bridge last Sunday evening- May you find peace little one.