Precious’ Happy Tail

Posted: January 9th, 2011



Hi Jodi,
Just wanted to thank you once again for our wonderful Precious!  She  is 7 now, we all pretend she will live forever. She had her best year ever  health wise.  I tried to decrease her predinisone down to 10mg every other  day. She got horrible ear infections, which caused another hematoma,  luckily this time it did not require surgery and could be handled with a few office visits to have it drained. It is difficult for me to give her  prednisone every other day, knowing how hard it is on her body, but her quality  of life is much healthier and happier on the medicine.  A decision we have  to think is best for her.

Precious makes everyone feel special and loves to burrow under the pillows on the couch if there is no one available for snuggling. 🙂 We had a guy here to repair the refrigerator who adopted a bull mastiff from you. We have met so many people who you have touched. You give  so much and we appreciate it everyday in our sweet little bulldog.
Thank you Jodi, hope your world is going well.
ox from Precious’s family
hope the picture came through

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