Patrick’s Happy Tail

Posted: June 5th, 2010



I thought I would give you an update on Patrick who we just adopted almost two weeks ago.  He has been a perfect gentleman in every sense of the word.  I brought him home and he gets along well with our other dogs, and is phenomenal with my 2 year old son.  My son crawls on him, climbs on him, and is amazed by his short wiggly tail, and the whole time Patrick just lets him do whatever he wants.  Actually, I think Patrick actually enjoys it.  My son will get Patrick to chase him around the yard and eventually will get knocked over.  And wouldn’t you know it, he gets back up and does it again laughing his head off.  To be able to give my son the kind of friendship only a dog can provide is worth so much.  A few very, very minor accidents in the house which are expected, and a few of my son’s toys have become Patrick’s, but to be able to get pictures of Patrick and my son all curled up in bed is worth it.

He is learning how to go for rides in the car.  I took him to a local dog park and introduced him to a friend’s Greyhounds and they had so much fun.  He loved the water and spent the afternoon chasing balls and playing with the Greyhounds and all the other dogs.  I look at the pictures of Patrick when he was surrendered and I see a completely different dog.  He had such sad and worried eyes and I am very glad that I can give him the loving home he deserves.  Thank you for all that you do, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to bring Patrick into our lives.  I will always be grateful!

Mike Gordon

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