Ozzie’s Happy Tail

Posted: September 24th, 2010




An update on Ozzie (formerly known as Droopy);
Ozzie’s coat has come in so well he now gets brushed 2 to 3 times a week.  It is just as white as new snow with the few small light brown spots here and there.

He gets enough exercise that his deformed muscle has built up to the point his walking gait is almost normal.  The last check-up a little over a week ago came out perfect.  We have a very happy, very healthy baby.

The pictures following are of Ozzie standing on a square storage cube about to help himself to the kitties dinner.  Alas, he never got even a mouthful – I am quicker than him.  The other is a stuffed tiger he took off Nancy’s bed and dragged up into the family room.  I guess Ozzie figured it was his newest best friend.

Ozzie’s Photo Album