Lucy’s Happy Tail
Hi Lisa! Finally I am writing our “Happy Tails” letter! We love Lucy (formerly Maxima). She has fit into our home perfectly. Lucy and Mickey (our 3-year old Beagle/AmStaff mix) were friends within 30 seconds of meeting. I can’t believe how far she has come. She was so shy at first, but now meets everyone at the door just wiggling and can’t wait to get some loving. However, we are now working on the jumping, but she is learning. She really has bonded with our boys! If one of them is sitting in the family room she is in their laps, however, she will out weigh all of them soon! We take her to football games and everyone comes up and pets her, but she really likes the kids and follows them! She is such a sweetheart! I never would have thought that bringing a new puppy into the house would be so easy!
Thank you so much for picking us to be her new family!