If Only I Could Be Your Lap Dog
Emmett just wants to sit on your lap and be loved like he’s a wee pup. Who can say “no” to this face?
Day 2 of boot camp and Emmett is already starting to shed some of his past life. At his first kennel in December, they said all the kennels on every side of him had to be kept empty because he was not happy with other dogs. At the next kennel, he was better but we were told he couldn’t be walked with male dogs. Last week when Emmett met trainer Dave for the first time, Emmett showed he wasn’t ready to be all hugs and kisses with dogs. (People, sure. Dogs, maybe not so much.)
Fast forward to today. In the caring hands of an experienced trainer and his awesome resident dogs like Dodge, Emmett has begun to learn how to be OK around other dogs. Check out this video of big goof venturing into Dodge’s room.