Happy Holidays

Posted: December 12th, 2008

Firstly, we are so appreciative of the support from each and every one of you and wish you the very best for the holidays!! The response to the new site has been overwhelming and we are excited beyond belief. We feel like we are building a community and want you to feel a part of it.

We’ve transferred everything over from the old website. Now, we need to get better organized with all of the current information and equally as important, integrate all of the exciting things that we want to do with the site.

American Bulldog Rescue needs your help more than ever now. We’re so very aware that times are tough for everyone. To be blunt, at this very moment we have about $6,000 in bills and about $45 in the checking account. Every little bit would help us now.

We’ve received numerous volunteer applications (thank you!!!!) and we’re in the process of re-defining the ways people can volunteer. There are so many things that we need help with. If you’re unable to foster, that’s more than okay. There’s still plenty of work to be done.

If you’re unable to donate, volunteer, or adopt, perhaps you could visit one of our new stores and make Christmas purchases that would help American Bulldog Rescue at the same time:

Our Amazon.com store 
Our ecrater store (t-shirts)
Our Readers Digest Magazine store (you can win prizes here too!)

Very soon, we will have an entire section dedicated to Ways to Help.

We also want to hear from you about the site. What works, what doesn’t, what to add? Please feel free to contact our webprincess at kim@americanbulldogrescue.org

Again, we are so very appreciative of the support. Without you, none of this would be possible. Warmest Holiday Wishes to each and every one of you.