Guinness’ Happy Tail

Posted: January 20th, 2010



Hi Kim,
We’ve been parents to Guinness (formerly Wiggles) for over a year now! I thought we’d give you an update! He’s come a long way from the sad, scared, skinny skeleton that we adopted in December of last year. Guinness was 65 pounds and now tips the scales at about 110! We actually had to put him on a little diet last month! He’s made tons of friends in the neighborhood and at the local park across the street! He has 2 best friends, a St Bernard and Cockapoo. They are quite the trio! He’s so much fun, and everyone stops us to ask about him and give him some pats on the head. We had a big birthday party for him in April, when we believe he turned one! We took him on his first camping trip. He also had his first big snow storm in December and loves playing in the snow with daddy.

He is a cuddler and sleeps with us for a while every night until his snoring wakes us up and we make him get in his own bed on the floor right next to ours. He’s our constant shadow, and still shakes and wiggles with excitement every day when we come home from work. He gives kisses to everyone that sits on our coaches and is a total love bug! He loves watching Animal Planet and football with us as well. He’s patient and kind, but has a huge stubborn streak (as all bulldogs do). He can still be skittish and has some lingering fears from his former life. We do our best to make him feel safe and loved! We can’t thank the ABR and Kim Barnes enough for helping to bring Guinness into our lives! We adore him and can’t imagine our life without him. I’ve included a bunch pictures throughout this past year.

Thanks again!
Chris, Jessie, and Guinness

View Guinness’ Photo Album