Emmett Chows Down

Posted: February 28th, 2014

This has been on our Facebook page but if you haven’t seen it here’s the video of Emmett chowing down on dinner. He’s the cutest waiting so patiently, sitting so pretty for dinnertime. At his trainer’s house, he is on a raw diet. That’s right, Emmett’s bowl has some good, raw chicken–bones and all–in it.


Don’t worry: raw chicken and raw chicken bones are perfectly safe for dogs to eat. If you want to consider switching your dog to a raw diet, make sure to do your research and talk to others who feed raw. It’s not as though you can toss just whatever raw food your dog’s way.

There are many online resources addressing raw diets for dogs. Veterinarian Dr. Becker published a thorough, 3-part series on raw food. You can watch the videos or read more on the Mercola’s Healthy Pet pages.

To close out this post, let’s get a rare glimpse of a pooped Emmett. Being a trainee can be tiresome work! That’s a good boy Emmett.

Cute Sir Emmett is up for adoption. Check out his page for more information about him.