Deacon’s Happy Tail

Posted: December 23rd, 2008


Hi Kim,
Not sure if you remember me, but my parents, Don and Nancy, and I adopted Matilda and Deacon (formerly Gage) from ABR two or three years ago. Thanks so much and I can not tell you how in love I am with Deacon and what an incredible companion he is.  He has become quite the Brooklyn dog and loves off leash hours in the park- and I have to admit, it’s very therapeutic for me. I attached some photos so you could see how he has grown into quite the handsome young man.  Thank you again for all your hard work and efforts.
More about Deacon-
Deacon (formerly Gage) was given up by a family outside of Washington, D.C.  He was taken to a kill shelter where he was scheduled to be euthanized.  The staff at the shelter thought Deacon was such a sweet dog, they pulled strings so he could have just one more day, and that was the day the ABR volunteer, Kim Barnes picked him up.  Two days later, I signed his adoption papers. His favorite treat is peanut butter and his least favorite phrase is “Bye, Deacon.”  He’s never met an enemy, loves chewing on waterbottles and gets praise and attention at least twice everyday from strangers.  He loves chillin at dog-friendly bars, runs like the wind when off leash in the park and is the loudest snorer I have ever heard.  Deacon is a professional wingman and as of recent, a part-time trash sorter and disposal.  With all of that, he somehow finds time to love unconditionally.  
View Deacon’s Photo Album