Angus’ Happy Tail
Hey Kim,
Just got done with last semester so I figured I’d shoot you an e-mail to give you an update on Angus. I guess first off he has not had any seizures that I have seen or suspected and he seems to be doing extremely well healthwise. I’m going to schedule him for his yearly physical sometime in either Jan. or Feb. next year. He has filled out and put on 15 lbs. since I got him, but I think that he is pretty much done growing now. He does play pretty rough but has gotten along pretty well with all the dogs in the building except for the nasty Rottie that doesn’t like any other dogs (and I do keep him leashed around the really small dogs because I don’t think he realizes how big he actually is). He is great with all people. As far as training he does sit, stay, heal, wait, and lay down pretty well, although sometimes he is a little thick-headed and stubborn. He fetches his ball out in the run well, but we still have to work on the bringing it back part. Hopefully, that will be straightened out by the end of break. I have included a couple of pics from our hike on Thanksgiving and if I get anymore from over the holidays I’ll forward them to you as well. Thanks for everything and I hope you and your family have a great holidays.