

Meet Barry

Barry is a great buddy. He likes to be with me as much as possible. He also loves his crate and will go into the crate by himself. He is very handsome, smart and loves to follow me all around the yard. He is a very unique Rottie, he has a beautiful tail! Barry really would like to find his very own family to call his own. He had a tough beginning. He was one of 10 survivors of a house fire in NY, but has discovered how wonderful life can be! He hated grass, but now he loves to wander around the yard. Please open you heart and give Barry his own home and family to love. He is so well behaved and eager to please!

Dog: Barry
Age: 3 1/2 years old
Weight: 95
Location: Coopersburg, pa
Nicknames: Big boy
Good with other dogs?: Yes, Other: Woukd be best with a female dog.
He seemed to be fine with other dogs at training. Very respectful when meeting new dogs!
Good with cats? unknown, will not be adopted to a home with a cat
Good with children? OK for kids over: 12 becuase of his size
Activity Preference: Low maintenance overall but needs quality outside time., Will go with the flow
IQ: Smart
Barry’s favorite things: A few of Barry’s favorite things are dinner and being outside in the yard with me. He loves cars rides, belly rubs, Eat-a-bulls bones, his crate and his yellow ball.
Barry is good at: meeting people, staying in a crate, behaving in the house, going for car rides, walking on a leash, following commands, other: keeping me company
Ideal home: another dog, a fenced yard, Lots of exercise opportunities
Training Needs: other: Barry is pretty well behaved, He knows basis commands, but I think he would enjoy more training,
Health issues:

Untitled 32Untitled 35Untitled 38Untitled 31Untitled 3PLEASE READ: Adopters will not be considered without completing an application. Please visit to apply! Remember – Adoption is always the best option! If you can’t help by adopting a homeless pet, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to American Bulldog Rescue, 4 Terry Drive, Suite 1D Newtown, PA 18940 or paypal We cannot place dogs in homes with children under 10 unless that dog has lived with kids or is in a foster home with kids. Thank you.